This comic is only funny if a.) you can read it and b.) understand that death erections were common, as Peter showed me. Below, a pretty normal pages of notes.
The other day a monk approached Skyler and I at Palomar. I guess he was disseminating information about meditation and Buddhist ideals and such. Point being he gave us a free book with some sweet paintings in it. Here is my favorite example
Here is the last page to accompany the two before it. In case you don't get it, all the hands become some monster arm spider thing. I can't really justify it, so here is a picture of a cowboy I painted today.
on a related note. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy is the best book ever written.
Alright. Finally putting more online. Four a week that is my new goal. Anyway here is a pretty bad one. Arguably it is only for Shannon, as she will be the only one to laugh.